Tomato Tart Tatins

Makes 8 tatins


1 sheet of puff pastry

500g cherry tomatoes

4 tsp honey

8 tsp balsamic Vinegar

Extra virgin olive oil

3 tsp thyme leaves

Sea Salt


Pre-heart the oven to 180oC (fan).

Place a sheet of greaseproof paper on a baking tray. Drizzle nine swirls of balsamic vinegar on the sheet, followed by a drizzle of honey, olive oil and a sprinkle of thyme leaves and sea salt.

Slice the cherry tomatoes and arrange approximately seven slices on top the of balsamic and olive oil. Cut the puff pastry into nine round pieces, large enough to cover the tomatoes. Place the pastry on top of the tomatoes, and tuck them in around the edges, using a fork piece holes in the pastry.

Bake in the pre-heated oven for 25 minutes.

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