My seed potatoes arrived in the post this week. It feels so good to have something to focus on in the garden and to feel the excitement of growing something again.
Iโm really excited that our Broadspear Beef is available for you to purchase online! The cattle are 100% grass-fed and reared in a field rotation system, so they have plenty of grassland to feed on, and live outdoor all year long.
This is the time to get your potatoes ready for planting if you want to have them for Christmas dinner!
Itโs time to start growing your tomato seeds! How exciting is it to have something to grow and watch over the next couple of weeks?
Iโve been sowing out my green salad leaves. Mizuno, rocket, Land Cress, Salad Burnet, Belleville Sorrel, Endives, Butterhead Lettuce and Emerald Oak Leaf Lettuce.
I have never grown a tomato plant from seed before so Iโm excited for this little project.
Last weekend we picked the last of the apples from our orchard and brought them to our local apple press, and we just collected 29 bottles of our first batch of Broadspear Apple Juice.
Our first harvest of Charlottes and Maris Pipers. We planted them back in August and dug them up last week. They were utterly delicious, cooked in a little water and served with salted butter and fresh mint.