A Thought On Judgement
How often do we all judge people?
Sometimes before they have even spoken, on their clothes, their body language or their general energy. Perhaps on their job or their social media account or their upbringing.
Maybe we judge people for being different to us.. too loud, too quiet, too clever, too cool, too earthy, too different.. the list could be endless!
It is easy to judge, in the short term it might even make us feel good with a kick of dopamine in the brain as we judge internally or perhaps discuss others with friends in a negative way BUT.. surely it is not our aim to be caught up in negative trivia if we are wanting to be better people and have better relationships with ourselves, our friends and our communities.
Someone once told me the qualities we dislike in other people are often qualities that we ourselves possess.. perhaps an uncomfortable truth! The next time we jump to an early assessment could we look ourselves in the eye and see if that trait is lurking closer to home than we realise.. The work might start with ourselves rather than pointing the finger at others.
Perhaps if we also took ego out of the equation it might be easier to judge less? So instead, why are they being rude to me? Why are they so… etc. Instead; What must have happened to this person for them to be showing up like this? How have they been treated in the past to act like this.. etc.
Perhaps with a little practice we can catch ourselves in the act of judgement and either turn it onto a question for our own actions or look with compassion towards the individual rather than rushing to anger, hierarchy and negative judgement.
Not an easy one but something we are all guilty of and I believe we can ALL do a little better!
Good luck, let’s be kind!
Zoe x